The Brazilian Whacks Identity Image



The last 30 years, every wedding I attended, the same music was always played! How boring! Make your party just for you and your guests. No ego here. The Bearded Jam plays for every unique audience, and believe me, every audience is unbelievably unique!


The Bearded Jam customizes every playlist for every party. You and your party pick the music. We will purchase any and all requests during the party, if broad band internet is available! If not we will work with you and purchase or copy your favorite CD’s and artists prior to the date of your event!


Our music library is extremely large and when adding requests to the playlist, we always fit them into the appropriate groove.

© Copyright 2012-2017 Gerald Austin Smith All Rights Reserved

The Brazilian Whacks Identity Image
The Brazilian Whacks Identity Image
The Brazilian Whacks Identity Image
The Brazilian Whacks Identity Image
The Brazilian Whacks Identity Image